If you’re consciously and intentionally working toward your dream life, that means your dream life is happening right now! The journey to your dream life is your dream life. Every day I get up and say yes, I’m living my dream life, and I want to help you do the same.
When everything you do aligns with the wider goals you have for your future, that’s the dream life. You may think there’s a time when you’ll arrive, and that will be the moment you’ve made it and your dreams come true. However, you can make a simple shift in your mindset today to start living your dream right now!
Tune in this week to discover how to start living your dream life right now. I’m sharing how to make decisions that are aligned with your goals, how to give yourself a routine that allows you to become the woman you know you can be, and showing you how discipline and systems can give you the enthusiasm, motivation, and inspiration for saying yes to yourself every single day.
If you want to start living your dream life, join my October group, starting October 4th 2023. Click here to join my final group of the year!
- What living your dream really looks like.
- Why we need to say yes to ourselves every single day.
- The reason you aren’t saying yes to your dream life yet.
- How to see that the journey is the dream, and you can live your dream right now.
- If you want to work with me for the first time, I invite you to join my October group starting October 4th 2023! That’s the last time you’ll get to work with me this year, so get in now!
- Interested in working with me? Click here to find out more.
- The Life Coach School
- Orangetheory
Welcome to the Reinvented After 40 podcast. I’m your host, Kym Showers, and I’m a certified life coach for women in the second half of life. Each week, I’ll bring you direct advice and inspiring, practical wisdom to help you live your very best life, and create a future you’re absolutely obsessed with. It’s going to be fun. Let’s get started.
Hey, everyone, welcome back to the podcast. Happy September. It is officially September. I’m recording this on September 6th. I am getting on a plane very shortly and flying to Dallas, Texas, with my white cowgirl boots on. I’m going to a magnificent event put on by The Life Coach School every year. It’s a mastermind and I’ve never gone before. I’m so happy I said yes, this year. It was the perfect yes for me.
You guys, I think there’s going to be like thousands of people there. I don’t know. I think it’s going to be gigantic. I cannot wait to be in a room, let’s just say, with hundreds, possibly thousands of life coaches. You don’t even know the energy that life coaches bring. You think I bring good, amazing, optimistic, great energy to a room? Times that by 1,000, possibly thousands. They’re my people. I’m so happy to be going.
I know I’m going to be super inspired, super motivated. I love being in a room with coaches who are doing amazing things in the world. Especially the coaches who are doing a lot more than I am. That pops my brain wide open, to remind myself what’s possible for me, right?
So, in this episode, I’m telling you that our dream life is now. The journey to our dream life is the dream life. My journey, since I’ve become a life coach six years ago, the last six years has been my dream life every single day. Every day that I say yes, every day that I get up and put another marble in that jar towards filling up that jar. Right? It’s so fun putting the marble in the jar. It’s so fun getting up and knowing that everything I do every day, aligns with my goals. That’s the dream life you guys. The journey is the dream.
We think there’s an arrival point. We think there’s a place that we arrive. And then, this is my dream life. But I’m telling you, it’s a shift in your mindset today. It’s saying yes to something today, that feels aligned with your goals, and then doing that thing. That’s the dream. When we actually become the woman who we know we can be, and we set up a routine every day.
For example, this morning, I got up at 3:45. I took the 5am Orangetheory class. I came home, and I started packing my suitcase. I washed my hair, I dried my hair, I put my tanning lotion on, I had all my outfits already picked out; everything that I was going to wear on the plane trips, and then at the event. So, everything was already decided ahead of time.
Oh, and before Jeff left for work, I hadn’t put tanning lotion on my back; I was very focused on what I needed to get done today. And so, I came upstairs, I made my green juice and I had my nuts, and then I sat down to record this podcast; everything’s written out. Everything’s planned, right?
So, this is my dream life. This system, this routine, these disciplines, every single day give me so much happiness, so much enthusiasm and motivation and inspiration for my life, and so much energy. I’m so energized by my journey, by my life. I want you to know that. I want you to say yes to you, every single day.
I don’t really have any longings or anything that I’m disappointed about, because I just have said yes to all of it. Then, I show up for myself every day and I do it. So, I’m not beating myself up. I’m not wishing I was somewhere else or wishing I was doing something else or wishing I was further along. I don’t wish any of that. I absolutely love where I am.
This journey has created for me a dream life, every single day. I want you to know that about yourself. When I invite you to come and work with me, this is what I’m going to show you. I’m going to teach you, and your brain is going to click in to focus, right? I’m going to teach you skills. I’m going to teach you tools. I’m going to teach you disciplines, so that you’re not waiting for your dream life.
You’re actually living your dream life in the disciplines, in the moments, in the systems, that you’ve created for yourself. This is a groove and a flow that we’re in. This is the dream. The reason that this came up for me, this year I set pretty substantial goals for myself; personal goals, health goals.
When I say personal, I mean relationship goals, self-concept goals, for me and relationships with the people I love the most. Confidence goals. Health goals; for me building muscle. Energy goals, and then business goals; pretty substantial business goals.
This year has been my dream life, and I’ve been working so hard at my goals. And you guys, I’ve achieved them all. And, it’s only the first week of September. It has been my dream this year, so I’ll tell you a little bit about that. The reason I’m telling you this today is because one of my goals this year was to build a new website, right?
So, I hired an amazing website designer who I had never worked with before, but I had heard about her; she came highly recommended. An amazing designer who I had worked before. The website designer and the brand designer actually worked together on the website. So, it was like the dream match in heaven, right?
Not only did I get my rebranding done, and my website done, now I’m building, with my website designer, I’m building a membership site for my clients. This is so huge. I’m in the middle of that right now. And so, we’re working on the content for that. In the content, at the very beginning, it says “Welcome to your transformational journey.”
I was thinking about that. I was thinking, “You know what? I’m going to drop the transformational journey and I’m going to say, ‘Welcome to your dream life.’” Because you guys, that’s what the transformational journey is, it is the dream life. The journey is the dream.
This is what I didn’t know six years ago, when I started this business. I didn’t know the journey was the dream. I thought I was arriving somewhere. And this event that I’m going to in Dallas, this Life Coach School event, I am so excited about because I’m a different person than I was six years ago when I got certified with all these beautiful people.
Just this business, and everything that was required of me, has been a transformational journey for me. I’m just a different person, all the way down to my core. I love who I am. My self-concept is so beautiful and vibrant and confident. I love that about myself. I’m so willing to do hard things. This is the dream life. The transformation that has occurred to me is because I kept saying yes to hard things.
Because of that, that transformational journey for you and for me will always be the dream life. This is what I want you to know, for sure. Okay? I love knowing this. This keeps pushing me past my boundaries or past what feels comfortable, right?
I want you to know, even saying yes to going to this event, I have so much going on right now. My brain, yesterday, was just like, “Oh, we shouldn’t go. We should cancel. It’s not too late to cancel. You really should stay home and keep working on the website and get caught up on everything.” Because it’s also my husband’s birthday this weekend. So, we’re celebrating him this weekend, when I get back.
“You should plan for Jeff’s birthday.” I was like, no, no, no, no. We’re going to this; we’re going to that event. I’m going to have so much content because I said yes to this event. And being in that room, with all these beautiful life coaches, whom I love and adore, it’s going to blow my mind wide open.
This is what happens when we say yes to coaching. This is what will happen to you when you say yes to coaching. You guys, I’m on fire and I just keep getting better and better and better. My business keeps expanding, keeps getting to a place that has so much value for my clients, and I want to serve my clients at this very top-notch level.
So, what I thought was possible for me six years ago, it was an inkling, it was a dream. I kept saying yes to it. I had no idea. I was terrified. I had sweaty armpits the entire last six years. Even after all the Botox under my armpits, it’s just like nope, the Botox doesn’t even work for me anymore because I’m doing so many big things. And so, I just said, “Okay, I’ll be the woman with the sweaty armpits.”
Because this is how we know that I’m uplevelling my life, right? I just want to be the example for you. Because I know you’re not saying yes because you’re scared. That’s the reason. I know you’re afraid of what people are going to think and what people are going to say. I know you’re afraid you’re going to fail.
But I promise you, and I just coached on this this week, you cannot fail if you don’t quit. Your success is inevitable, and I’m here to prove that thought true. It’s real. I have never quit on myself, you guys. I just keep saying yes. And my life keeps getting dreamier and dreamier and dreamier by the year. I want you to know that, okay? So, my next group starts… this is for all new clients, and even alumni clients, if this works for you. My next group starts Wednesday, October 4th. This is my last offering for this year, of 2023. Come get in this group on Wednesdays at 11 o’clock, it will change your life.
The women in this group already are phenomenal, and you will fit right in. You want to be in a room of women getting coached every week. When you’re watching them getting coached, your brain will be getting coached as well. That’s how it works. Then, the whole group just keeps uplevelling together.
Then, you’re going to come to my in-person event, which I call the Kym Showers Retreat, in Avila Beach, California, November 2-3-4. We’re going to be together for two and a half days, and I’m going to teach you how to uplevel your self-concept. Which means loving yourself while putting yourself first. Growing your confidence in every single area of your life. I’m a genius at this.
This is what you need, I promise you. Say yes to this transformational journey, because you are saying yes to your dream life every single day. I want to know you, I want to coach you, and I want to support you for the next six months. Okay?
Alrighty, you’re worthy of all of it. I love you so much. Thanks for showing up today. Just remember, the journey is the dream; the systems, the disciplines, the following through, the showing up for yourself. Every single day, setting goals and aligning your habits with that goal, is the dream. It doesn’t get better than this.
I promise you, at 62 years old I am living my absolute dream life. But I am 100% sure, I don’t know how, but it’s going to get better. Okay, have the happiest week. I will talk to you next Thursday.
If you love this podcast, I invite you to come work with me. Go to KymShowersLifeCoach.com, sign up for my next group and retreat, and let’s create your dream life together.
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